Want to expand your marketing efforts this year? Then this guide is your best place to start. Our media calendar is stuffed with great ideas to fill your social media channels and blog with timely and captivating content. Read on to discover plenty of relevant topics and themes that will ensure you’re never short of something to say again.
This coming year also presents so much opportunity to have fun, with the summer hosting both the Olympic Games and the European Cup, many businesses will want to jump on these opportunities to bring together their audiences and get behind England and Team GB. If you’re looking to run some themed events in the summer, then January is the time to start planning.
National Calendar
After the frenzy of Christmas indulgence has died down, January is the month where people start making resolutions. Whether losing weight, being more organised or simply spending less, people are looking for ways to make a positive change in their lives. So why not brainstorm a few ways your products or services will help people achieve these resolutions? Gyms, health coaches and people who sell organisers will find this process easy, of course, but there are ways for other businesses to generate content too. If your business sells internet services, for example, spend a few social media or blog posts explaining how your offering will save people money, time and stress.
Oh no, not ‘Dry January’!
January welcomes health initiatives such as ‘Dry January’, that can help galvanise your teams and your audiences around making healthier choices. It also presents a good opportunity for fundraising as a team in a bid to feel brighter and fitter.
January is also ‘National Mentoring Month’ – and businesses can use this time as an opportunity to ensure their more experienced members of staff are helping to support and develop less experienced team members. Sharing your initiative with the wider public can serve as an inspiring PR activity, but also help as a recruitment tool to show potential candidates that you are a forward thinking and inclusive employer.
In 2024, sustainability will be a hot topic, and continue to be so for decades to come. January 17-24 is Big Energy Saving Week, so why not use this as an opportunity to see where, as a business, you could make greener choices and save on unnecessary energy bills.
If your content calendar is feeling stretched, it’s worth considering list posts. In January, lists and goals are at the heart of many peoples’ activities, and listing out tips and guidance will help people make choices that align with your business offering. What’s more, a list post is always an easy way to write a blog. Try and escape the old ‘Five ways to get organised this year’ style post, as there are hundreds of these already out there. See if you can add a little twist to the format to catch a reader’s eye. ‘Five reasons you don’t need to get organised this year,’ for example. Just don’t forget to make sure it relates to your business.
January is also the month where people like to make predictions for the year ahead. It’s a great excuse for you to write a little about where your industry is heading, what you believe will be the big events of the year, and how you think things will play out. Don’t be afraid to share your opinion and expertise because it will give you a unique angle to work from and help reinforce the idea that you’re an expert in your field.
Let’s face it, January can seem like a bleak month for many
After the excitement of Christmas, the winter can suddenly seem like a long slog through endless cold and dark days. Posting about ways your products and services can alleviate the likes of SAD, winter colds and general January blues is a rich seam to generate ideas for content.
There are many charities hosting awareness months during the month of January. If you’re doing a charity event, have personal experience of the issues highlighted in January, such as Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, or your products or services resonate such causes, it’s well worth using your social media and blog to highlight your involvement.
Local calendar
January may be a quiet month for tourism, but there’s plenty of opportunity for networking and up-skilling in the local community. With Suffolk Chamber of Commerce offering a seminar on the future of Ipswich, it’s a great theme to help generate some content ideas of your own. What are your thoughts on the future of your industry, and the business community in general in your part of Suffolk? Don’t be afraid to add your own unique voice to the conversation, through Twitter, or via a more considered blog or Facebook post.
Why not also make January the start of a new networking initiative. RSZ Networking are launching their first Business Networking event of 2024 on January 10th. Networking events and regular get togethers are great ways to see how your business could support with and garner new custom from other businesses in the area >> https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/business-networking-breakfast-tickets-740687344787
For young professionals looking to make meaningful and career boosting connections, Ellisons and Scrutton Bland host a networking event with a different for young professionals under 35 to get together, have fun and talk about their career goals >> https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/young-professionals-networking-event-tickets-764428886377
Visit The Bridge Marketing website for more great ideas.